Accessibility, Performance, Best Practices and SEO when building a wordpress website

Accessibility, Performance, Best Practices and SEO when building a wordpress website


When it comes to building a website, there are several key criteria that must be considered to ensure its success. In this article, we will explore the four essential criteria that every website developer should focus on: Accessibility, Performance, Best Practices, and SEO. By keeping these factors in mind, you can create a website that not only looks great but also functions flawlessly and attracts the right audience.

Accessibility: Making Your Website Inclusive

Accessibility is all about making your website usable for all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. It is crucial to ensure that your website is accessible to everyone, including those with visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor disabilities, or cognitive impairments.

Our team follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure that your website meets the necessary standards. We pay attention to factors such as color contrast, keyboard accessibility, alternative text for images, and proper heading structure. By prioritizing accessibility, we aim to create an inclusive online experience for all users.

Here are some key accessibility considerations when building a WordPress website:

  • Use proper heading structure to provide a clear hierarchy of content.
  • Include alternative text for images to provide context for visually impaired users.
  • Ensure that color contrast is sufficient for users with visual impairments.
  • Make sure that your website is keyboard accessible for users who cannot use a mouse.
  • Provide captions and transcripts for audio and video content.

Performance: The Need for Speed

Website performance plays a crucial role in user experience and can greatly impact the success of your WordPress website. A slow-loading website can frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates. To address this, we utilize premium plugins such as WP Rocket to optimize your website’s performance.

Here are some tips to optimize the performance of your WordPress website:

  • Optimize images by compressing them without compromising quality.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files to reduce file sizes and improve loading speed.
  • Utilize caching plugins to store static versions of your website and reduce server load.
  • Enable Gzip compression to reduce file sizes and improve loading speed.
  • Choose a reliable hosting provider that offers fast server response times.

Best Practices: Building with Quality in Mind

Following best practices when building a WordPress website ensures that your website is well-structured, secure, and easy to maintain. Here are some essential best practices to consider:

  • Keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date to ensure security and compatibility.
  • Use a child theme to make customizations without modifying the parent theme.
  • Organize your content with categories and tags for better navigation and SEO.
  • Implement a backup solution to protect your website from data loss.
  • Regularly monitor and optimize your website’s performance.

SEO: Getting Found in the Digital Jungle

SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic to your WordPress website. Optimizing your website for search engines can help improve its visibility and rank higher in search engine results.

We utilize Google Development Tools to analyze and optimize your website’s performance in search engine rankings. By conducting keyword research, optimizing meta tags, improving site structure, and creating high-quality content, we can help your website rank higher in search engine results.

Here are some SEO tips for your WordPress website:

  • Research and target relevant keywords for your content.
  • Optimize your page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs with targeted keywords.
  • Create high-quality and engaging content that provides value to your audience.
  • Optimize your images with descriptive file names and alt tags.
  • Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

By implementing these accessibility, performance, best practices, and SEO strategies, you can create a WordPress website that not only looks great but also provides an excellent user experience, performs well, and ranks higher in search engine results. Remember, building a successful website requires ongoing maintenance and optimization, so make sure to regularly review and update your website to stay ahead of the competition.

Contact 360 Web Firm for your website Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices and SEO.

Protecting Your Clients from Spam Emails Offering SEO Services

Protecting Your Clients from Spam Emails Offering SEO Services

As a business owner, you may have experienced the frustration of receiving spam emails from individuals or companies claiming to offer SEO services. These unsolicited emails can be intrusive and misleading, and it’s important to protect your clients from falling victim to such scams.

When it comes to SEO emails, these so-called experts might even attach an Audit report on your website. DO NOT open up any reports in any format as they could be infected.

Its also important to note that some of these emails you get from people claiming to be experts in SEO, could be legit companies just trying to get some work. In my own experiences, I would say most of these emails I get about my website errors, mistakes and bad SEO are fake and not true. Specially since I also do SEO services as part of my business.  Just be careful and never click on any attachment and always research the company or person before you take any action and contact them.

Understanding the Nature of Spam Emails

Spam emails are unsolicited messages sent in bulk to a large number of recipients. They often contain false claims, misleading information, or even malicious links or attachments. In the case of SEO-related spam emails, the senders typically promise quick and guaranteed results, low-cost services, or even threaten negative consequences if their services are not availed.

It’s essential to educate your clients about the characteristics of spam emails so that they can identify and avoid them. Here are some common red flags:

  • Unsolicited emails from unknown or unfamiliar senders.
  • Audit reports about your website and all the so-called errors and mistakes on it.
  • Generic greetings or vague introductions.
  • Offers that seem too good to be true, such as guaranteed top rankings on search engines.
  • Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, or awkward phrasing.
  • Requests for sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details.
  • Threats or urgent demands for immediate action.

Protecting Your Clients

Here are some steps you can take to help protect your clients from falling prey to spam emails:

1. Educate your clients

Take the time to educate your clients about the risks associated with spam emails. Encourage them to be skeptical of unsolicited offers and to verify the credibility of any service provider before engaging with them. Remind them that legitimate SEO agencies do not typically send unsolicited emails.

2. Establish trust

Build trust with your clients by providing them with reliable information and services. By demonstrating your expertise and delivering results, they will be less likely to consider offers from unknown sources.

3. Encourage communication

Encourage your clients to reach out to you if they receive any suspicious emails. By maintaining an open line of communication, you can guide them in identifying and handling potential threats.

4. Implement email filters

Utilize email filters and spam detection tools to automatically identify and block spam emails. This can help reduce the number of unsolicited messages reaching your clients’ inboxes.

5. Advise caution with links and attachments

Remind your clients to exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. These can potentially contain malware or lead to phishing attempts.

6. Stay informed

Keep yourself updated on the latest spam email tactics and trends. By staying informed, you can better educate your clients and protect them from new and emerging threats.


Please note once again that some of these emails you get about SEO services might just be legit companies looking for work. Just be very mindful and do your research and investigate these companies or people to see If these so-called SEO experts are just that – experts not spammers or scammers.

Spam emails offering SEO services can be a nuisance and pose a risk to your clients’ businesses. By educating your clients about the nature of spam emails and implementing preventive measures, you can help them avoid falling victim to scams and protect their online presence.

Remember, it’s crucial to build trust, maintain open communication, and stay vigilant in order to safeguard your clients’ interests and maintain a strong professional relationship.

Protecting Your Email from Spam: Essential Tips and Best Practices

Protecting Your Email from Spam: Essential Tips and Best Practices

Spam emails have become a ubiquitous annoyance in our digital lives. They flood our inboxes, clutter our folders, and waste our time. Not only are they frustrating, but they can also pose serious risks to our privacy and security. Fortunately, there are effective steps you can take to protect your email from spam. In this article, we will explore some essential tips and best practices to help you keep your inbox spam-free.

1. Be cautious with your email address

One of the most effective ways to prevent spam is to be cautious with whom you share your email address. Avoid posting it publicly on websites or social media platforms where it can be easily scraped by spammers. Instead, consider using a separate email address for online registrations, subscriptions, and other non-essential activities.

2. Use a strong and unique password

Using a strong and unique password for your email account is crucial. Avoid using common passwords or personal information that can be easily guessed. A strong password should include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, make sure to update your password regularly to further enhance your account’s security.

3. Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your email account. By enabling 2FA, you will be required to provide a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password. This helps prevent unauthorized access to your account, even if your password is compromised.

4. Be cautious with email attachments and links

Spammers often use email attachments and links to deliver malware or phishing attempts. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking on links, especially if they come from unknown or suspicious sources. Always verify the sender’s identity and ensure the email content is legitimate before taking any action.

5. Use a reputable email filtering service

Email filtering services can help automatically detect and block spam emails before they reach your inbox. These services use advanced algorithms to analyze email content, sender reputation, and other factors to determine whether an email is spam or legitimate. Research and choose a reputable email filtering service to enhance your email security.

6. Regularly update your email client and antivirus software

Keeping your email client and antivirus software up to date is crucial for maintaining a secure email environment. Software updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities exploited by spammers and hackers. By regularly updating your email client and antivirus software, you can stay one step ahead of potential threats.

7. Avoid responding to or unsubscribing from spam emails

Responding to or unsubscribing from spam emails can sometimes lead to more spam. When you engage with spam emails, it confirms to spammers that your email address is active and may result in an increase in spam. It is best to mark spam emails as junk or report them to your email provider for proper handling.

8. Educate yourself about common spam techniques

By educating yourself about common spam techniques, you can better identify and avoid falling victim to spam emails. Stay informed about the latest spam trends, such as phishing scams, spoofed emails, and deceptive subject lines. Being aware of these techniques will help you make informed decisions when dealing with suspicious emails.

9. Regularly clean up your inbox and unsubscribe from unwanted emails

Take the time to regularly clean up your inbox by deleting unwanted emails and unsubscribing from mailing lists that no longer interest you. This not only helps declutter your inbox but also reduces the chances of receiving spam emails in the future. Be cautious when providing your email address for subscriptions and only subscribe to trusted sources.

10. Report spam emails

If you receive spam emails, it is important to report them to your email provider. Most email services have built-in mechanisms for reporting spam. By reporting spam emails, you help improve the effectiveness of spam filters and contribute to a safer email ecosystem for everyone.

By following these essential tips and best practices, you can significantly reduce the amount of spam you receive and protect your email account from potential threats. Remember, staying vigilant and proactive is key to maintaining a spam-free inbox and ensuring the security of your personal information.

Why Use the Proper Web Safe Font for Your Headers and Body Text

Why Use the Proper Web Safe Font for Your Headers and Body Text

When it comes to designing a website, there are countless decisions to be made. From the layout to the color scheme, every detail plays a crucial role in creating an engaging and visually appealing user experience. One often overlooked aspect of web design is the choice of fonts.

The Importance of Font Selection

Fonts are not just about aesthetics; they also play a significant role in enhancing readability and conveying the right message to your audience. The right font can evoke emotions, establish brand identity, and make your content more memorable.

However, not all fonts are created equal. Some fonts may look great on your computer, but they may not be compatible with all devices and browsers. This is where web safe fonts come into play.

What Are Web Safe Fonts?

Web safe fonts are a set of fonts that are widely supported across different operating systems and web browsers. These fonts are pre-installed on most devices, ensuring that your website will display correctly regardless of the user’s device or browser.

Using web safe fonts eliminates the risk of your carefully chosen font not rendering properly on certain devices. It ensures consistency and allows your website to be accessible to a wider audience.

Benefits of Using Web Safe Fonts

1. Compatibility: Web safe fonts are supported by all major operating systems and browsers, including Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. This ensures that your website will look the same for all users, regardless of the device they are using.

2. Faster Loading Times: Web safe fonts are usually smaller in file size compared to custom fonts. This means that your website will load faster, improving user experience and reducing bounce rates.

3. Accessibility: By using web safe fonts, you make your website more accessible to users with disabilities. Some assistive technologies rely on web safe fonts to properly render text, ensuring that your content is accessible to all.

4. Consistency: Web safe fonts provide a consistent experience across different devices and browsers. You can be confident that your headers and body text will display as intended, maintaining the visual harmony of your website.

Best Practices for Using Web Safe Fonts

1. Choose a font that matches your brand: While web safe fonts offer a wide range of options, it’s essential to select a font that aligns with your brand identity. Consider the tone and personality of your brand and choose a font that reflects these qualities.

2. Use different font styles for headers and body text: Different font styles can help create visual hierarchy and make your content more scannable. Use a bold or italicized font for headers to grab attention, and a more legible font for body text to ensure readability.

3. Consider font pairing: Pairing fonts can add visual interest and variety to your website. Choose fonts that complement each other and create a harmonious balance. Avoid using too many different fonts, as it can make your website appear cluttered and unprofessional.

4. Test your website on different devices and browsers: Even with web safe fonts, it’s crucial to test your website on various devices and browsers to ensure consistent rendering. This will help you identify any potential issues and make necessary adjustments.

So, What Fonts Should I Use For My Website?

In our own experience at 360 Web Firm, along with a lot of time researching and reading about what fonts to use, we came up with the best top 10 Web Safe Fonts in our opinion based on Accessibility, Website Speed and performance, Compatibility and Consistency.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Web Safe Fonts you can use.

  1. Helvetica (sans-serif)
  2. Arial (sans-serif)
  3. Arial Black (sans-serif)
  4. Verdana (sans-serif)
  5. Tahoma (sans-serif)
  6. Trebuchet MS (sans-serif)
  7. Impact (sans-serif)
  8. Gill Sans (sans-serif)
  9. Times New Roman (serif)
  10. Georgia (serif)


Choosing the right font for your headers and body text is an essential part of web design. By using web safe fonts, you ensure compatibility, accessibility, and consistency across different devices and browsers. So, next time you’re designing a website, don’t overlook the importance of font selection. Your users will thank you!

Prevent Email and Contact Form Spam on Your WordPress Website

Prevent Email and Contact Form Spam on Your WordPress Website

Spam emails and unwanted submissions through contact forms can be a frustrating and time-consuming problem for website owners. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies you can implement to stop email spam and contact form spam on your WordPress website. In this article, we will explore five proven methods that can help you combat unwanted spam and ensure a smoother user experience for your visitors.

1. Block IP Addresses

One of the simplest ways to prevent spam is by blocking specific IP addresses that are known for sending spam emails or submitting spam through contact forms. WordPress provides various plugins that allow you to block IP addresses or entire IP ranges. By identifying and blocking these troublesome IP addresses, you can significantly reduce the amount of spam reaching your inbox or cluttering your contact form submissions.

2. Use Anti-Spam Plugins

Another effective approach to combat email and contact form spam is by utilizing anti-spam plugins. These plugins are specifically designed to filter out spam and prevent it from reaching your inbox or appearing in your contact form submissions. Popular anti-spam plugins for WordPress include Akismet, Spam Protection by CleanTalk, and Antispam Bee. These plugins use advanced algorithms and databases to identify and block spam, providing you with a hassle-free spam management solution.

3. Implement reCAPTCHA

Integrating reCAPTCHA into your contact forms can significantly reduce the amount of automated spam submissions you receive. reCAPTCHA is a free service provided by Google that adds an extra layer of security to your forms by requiring users to complete a simple verification process. This process helps distinguish between human users and bots, ensuring that only legitimate submissions make it through. To implement reCAPTCHA on your WordPress website, you can use plugins such as Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft or Contact Form 7 with reCAPTCHA extension.

4. Restrict Submissions by Country

If you notice that a significant portion of your spam submissions is originating from specific countries or regions, you can consider restricting form submissions from those locations. This can be done by using plugins that allow you to block submissions based on IP geolocation. By implementing this restriction, you can effectively reduce spam submissions from problematic areas while still allowing legitimate users to access your contact forms.

5. Install a Security Plugin

Enhancing the overall security of your WordPress website can help prevent not only spam but also other malicious activities. Security plugins provide comprehensive protection against various threats, including spam attacks. Plugins like Wordfence Security and Sucuri Security offer features such as firewall protection, malware scanning, and login security, which can help safeguard your website from spam and other security vulnerabilities.

By implementing these five strategies, you can significantly reduce the amount of email and contact form spam on your WordPress website. Remember to regularly update your plugins and security measures to stay ahead of evolving spam techniques. With a proactive approach to spam prevention, you can ensure a more enjoyable and secure experience for both yourself and your website visitors.